The COVID-19 pandemic and libraries – how did they cope?

DALL·E 2023-11-26 22.27.02 - Young mothers with their toddlers enjoying storytime

The image accompanying this feature article was created using ChatGPT and DALL-E. It is a representation of a group of young mum’s enjoying a story with their children. It is representational only. *** “Unless you stay relevant, there is no point wasting money on a library service”, says Pepper Mickan, while talking about the changing …

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Unleash your pen: Writing competitions for the win

Are you an aspiring writer looking to improve your work? Do you want to get those creative juices flowing and hone your skills? Writing competitions help you to unleash your creativity and can be a great way to gain some recognition, get your writing published, or perhaps win some cash. From short stories and poetry, …

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From Sydney to the Sabie River, Tony Park is raising awareness about poaching in southern Africa

Africa. There’s something magical, something that can’t be explained simply. Yet, it exists. A real pull, a calling. A continent so rich that you can’t help but be inspired and motivated by it. You can’t help but fall in love with the place. After 34 years in the Australian Army Reserve, plus time working as …

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Speech: Digital Literacy Programs

Speech slide 1 - Digital literacy programs

This 4-minute speech was written as part of my university studies. It is intended as a SAMPLE only and was not delivered in any public forum. The images are slides created by me to accompany the speech. Digital literacy programs Good morning, Minister, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for taking the time to …

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Report: How digital literacy skills, lack of access to infrastructure, and COVID-19 affect older mature-age university students

This report was written as part of my university studies. It is intended as a SAMPLE of my writing only. It was not written in an official capacity for any particular person, although the report was aimed at the Minister for Regionalisation, Regional Communications and Regional Education (Federal); the Minister for Education and Youth (Federal); …

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O’Malley – a short story

DALL·E 2023-11-15 14.38.02 - A rustic morning scene in an Australian countryside during the 1800s

This short story is very loosely based on the discovery of copper at Kapunda in 1842 and the reputation of Kapunda as one of the most haunted towns in Australia. It was written with a historical perspective, with a touch of the horror genre thrown in. Charles Bagot and Francis Dutton did in fact discover …

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The river – a short scene

DALL·E 2023-11-15 14.05.22 - In a springtime fantasy scene

I wrote this short fantasy scene as an exercise. I rarely read fantasy, although I have read some. My preferences in fantasy lean more towards realism with a touch of the fanciful thrown in rather than high-fantasy. The image was generated using ChatGPT4 with DALL-E. It was an interesting exercise and one I hope you …

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The message – a short scene

DALL·E 2023-11-15 13.48.23 - A modern yet distinctly Australian house

The image accompanying this short crime genre scene was generated using ChatGPT4 with DALL-E. It’s not exactly how I envisioned the house in my mind, but it works. With more finessing, I’m sure I could make it more like I imagined, but as a short exercise in AI art generation, this one is interesting. It’s …

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Christine and Peter – a short scene

Kapunda Copper Mine

This is a short experimental scene in the horror genre, which is something I don’t normally read or write. It was fun writing, though, and I hope you enjoy reading it. Christine and Peter The lock-in at the haunted pub was uneventful, but Christine was determined to make the most of their visit. They drove …

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